Corona measures

Special times require special measures. This also applies to a film production. We therefore thought about this early on and, together with the health department and the regional council, developed a catalog of measures that make productions possible under the current circumstances.

Corona measures in the acamnetwork_

Mehrere Grafiken die Verhaltensregel bei Pandemie darstellen

Contributors should observe the following Corona measures before the actual production begins

  • 2 weeks before shooting, parties do not knowingly have any contact with a Corona infected person.
  • No current cold or flu-like symptoms or respiratory symptoms that have not been clarified by a doctor.
  • Obligation to leave the studio premises/the filming location immediately as soon as cold/flu/respiratory symptoms appear
  • Strict adherence to the safety measures issued

Rules of conduct during production:

In principle, the number of people should be reduced as much as possible. Only team members absolutely necessary for the production have access to the set.

If possible, always work with the same people in the team. Overall, this also keeps the number of people on the set as small as possible.

The entire team is equipped with protective masks and disinfectants.

In addition, care is taken to ensure that there is always enough hand-washing soap on the set.

The production distributes mouth-nose coverings (disposable surgical masks, FFP2 masks or cloth masks) for all team members, protagonists and artists and informs participants about correct usage.

All team members have to wear the mouth-nose coverings during their entire presence on set, likewise protagonists/artists during shooting breaks.


  • Everyone must disinfect their hands upon entering the set.
  • All protective masks will be changed after a maximum of 4 hours.
  • If possible, the entire shooting location will be ventilated regularly.

Maintain minimum distance:

We pay very close attention to maintaining minimum distances between all participants. Everyone must make sure to keep at least 1.5m distance to all persons during the entire time on set. If it is situationally and spatially possible, a distance of at least 2m should be maintained.

  • Cameras are set up and operated at a distance of at least 2m from each other and from the protagonists.
  • Devices (especially cameras) are operated by only one person at a time and are not exchanged among each other.
  • If possible, we refrain from using a make-up artist on set.
  • This means that we have the basics with us so that the protagonists can powder themselves.
  • If a make-up artist is absolutely necessary, then the following applies: the make-up artist will be equipped with FFP2 mask (without blow-off valve!) and gloves, and may only use tassels, brushes, etc. for one person at a time.
  • Protagonists wire themselves up under the guidance of the sound assistant.
  • Lapel mics are disinfected after use.
  • Handheld mics will be disinfected after each use.

There will be no “classic” catering but only food that is individually wrapped. All participants are asked to keep as much distance as possible from others, even when eating, and to spread out among the available rooms. There should never be more than three people per room at any one time during breaks. Or: When eating, each person present in the room should have at least 10m² of space available. At the end of a day’s shooting, or whenever a new constellation should occur in front of the camera, tables, chairs and all other props are disinfected as far as possible. After the shoot, all camera, sound and lighting equipment is disinfected.